With all that is happening in the world, you can almost tangibly feel the fear people are experiencing. If you are living in the Divine Will, there is no fear. Remind yourself of this because it is important. Remember that all the plots and plans that evil men are concocting may be real but they are still just modern day towers of Babel. God is sovereign over all. Even satan needs permission from God for every thing he does. If God says no, he must obey.
Jesus made it clear to Luisa that the acts done in the Divine Will will usher in the Kingdom of God in what He called the War of Love.
“My daughter, I repeat it to you-do not look at the earth! We let the creatures be. They want to make war-they are even doing it-but when they tire themselves, I too will wage my war. Their weariness of evil, their dissolutions, disenchantments, and losses suffered, will dispose them to receive my war. My war will be a War of Love; my Will will descend from Heaven into their midst. All your acts, and those of other souls done in my Will, will wage war on creatures-but not a war of blood. They will battle with the arms of Love, giving gifts, graces, and peace to them. They will give surprising things as to stupefy ungrateful man.”
“This Will of Mine, Militia of Heaven, with Divine arms will confound man, will overwhelm him, and will give him the light to see not evil but the gifts and wealth with which I want to enrich him. The acts done in my Will, carrying within themselves Creative Power, will be the new salvation of man, and descending from Heaven, will bring all goods upon the earth. They will bring the New Era and triumph over human iniquity. Therefore, multiply your acts in my Will so as to form the arms, the gifts, and the graces for descending into the midst of creatures and battling them with Love” (Volume 12, 4/26/21).
Do not give in to fear no matter what you hear or see. Instead, let your acts be acts of faith in God and in the power of the conquering acts. If you really trust in the gift of the Divine Will, you can face the worst the world, the devil, and the flesh have to offer and laugh at it. Rejoice because the Kingdom is coming!