Drop Books in Croatian for free download!

Thanks to a wonderful family and group in Croatia, the Drop Books have been translated into Croatian. They have provided the first of the three books for free download on this site. In the next few weeks, the other two books will be available as well.

In addition, the Croatian group has created a valuable website (see contact information below). This website not only has information in Croatian, but also provides information and links for the Gift of the Divine Will in 15 additional languages. If you are looking for information for yourself or others in another language, check this site. If you have additional Divine Will information for a represented language or new language, contact them. They are always looking to expand the site. The work of spreading the knowledge on the Gift of the Divine Will is a cooperative effort. This dedicated Croatian group is doing all they can to help usher in the Kingdom…. God bless them!!!

Several members of the Croatian group are very creative. If you go to the Croatian language on their site, they have taken the Drop Book a step further. Juraj has created a YouTube video where he reads the Drop Book page by page and scans the illustrations. It is very effective and interesting. If anyone wants to try this in their own language, let me know.  Here is the YouTube link for Croatian Book One, Part One.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I_LBifb2ig&t=15s)

Za detaljne informacije o daru Božje Volje, pristup Luisinim spisima, video arhivama, opsežnim izvorima, kontakt informacijama za svećenike i vjerske zajednice koje su usredotočene na dar Božje volje, i više, preporučujemo web stranicu Fiat Voluntas Tua na adresi: www.fiatvoluntastua.info


Za bilo kakve dodatne informacije javiti se mailom na: [email protected]

Croatian Drop Book 1: Download Now

Croatian Drop Book 2: Download Now

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